Get Answers for ADHD Misdiagnosis and Treatment from Our Child Therapist in Los Angeles
If your child has been diagnosed with ADHD and treatment hasn't led to improvement, your child may have been misdiagnosed. This is all too common, as ADHD and autism have more in common than most people realize. Both affect how a person’s brain operates and how they experience the world; and many of the symptoms overlap. Some children are misdiagnosed with ADHD when they may actually have another developmental disorder that might require a different treatment plan. If you believe this may have happened with your child, A and J Behavioral Health can help.
Our child therapist in Los Angeles has extensive experience with ADHD misdiagnosis and treatment. We get answers for patients and their families, allowing them to understand themselves better and gain access to the support they need. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and learn whether your child may have received an ADHD misdiagnosis. Your initial consultation is free.
Treatment Options After Diagnosis
Whether your child has autism, ADHD, or another developmental disorder, our child therapist is here to help them do their best socially, academically, and emotionally. We customize our care to suit each patient's abilities and challenges, always striving to meet them where they are. Furthermore, we also work with families to educate them on how they can help set their child up for success in and out of the home. Reach out today for further information about our approach to ADHD treatment, including how we incorporate social skills training to help treat children.